Apple 151

A mouthwatering recipe for Apple 151 made with apple juice and Bacardi® 151 rum. Ingredients:2 oz apple juice1 oz Bacardi® 151 rum Method:Stir ingredients together in a mug with ice, […]


False Whiskey Sour

A gratifying recipe for False Whiskey Sour made with beer, lemonade, whiskey and ice. Ingredients:2 bottles beer2 cans frozen lemonade concentrate1 fifth whiskey1 scoop ice Method:We always use equal parts […]


Hard Root Beer

A delightful recipe for Hard Root Beer made with IBC® root beer and Captain Morgan® Original spiced rum. Ingredients:12 oz IBC® root beer2 oz Captain Morgan® Original spiced rum Method:Combine […]


Crack Juice

A delectable recipe for Crack Juice made with vodka, beer and lime juice. Ingredients:1 bottle vodka8 cans beer2 cans frozen lime juice concentrate Method:In a large container, fill half way […]
