A great recipe for German Hooker (Die Deutsche Nutte) made with tequila, apfelkorn liqueur, orange juice, salt and lemons. Ingredients:2 oz tequila2 oz apfelkorn liqueur3 oz orange juice salt lemons […]
ViewDrink Recipes Containing Apfelkorn Liqueur
A tasty recipe for Knacky made with apfelkorn liqueur, peach juice and iced tea. Ingredients:1 dl apfelkorn liqueur50 cl peach juice fill with iced tea Method:Pour apfelkorn into a highball […]
ViewKiss Me Quick
A tasty recipe for Kiss Me Quick made with Finlandia® cranberry vodka, apfelkorn liqueur, Schweppes® Russian tonic water, apple juice and ice cubes. Ingredients:4 cl Finlandia® cranberry vodka2 cl apfelkorn […]
A mouthwatering recipe for Bertiebreezer made with apfelkorn liqueur and Bacardi Breezer® Lime. Ingredients:2 1/2 oz chilled apfelkorn liqueur3 1/2 oz chilled Bacardi Breezer® Lime Method:Pour the Apfelkorn and Bacardi […]
ViewCinnamon Road
A delectable recipe for Cinnamon Road made with Wild Turkey® bourbon whiskey, apfelkorn liqueur, Goldschlager® cinnamon schnapps and ginger ale. Ingredients:3 cl Wild Turkey® bourbon whiskey2 cl apfelkorn liqueur2 cl […]
ViewPoison Apple
A tempting recipe for Poison Apple made with apfelkorn liqueur and Absolut® vodka. Ingredients:1 oz apfelkorn liqueur1 oz Absolut® vodka Method:Pour ingredients over ice in a shaker. Shake and strain […]
ViewApfel Orange
A tantalizing recipe for Apfel Orange made with apfelkorn liqueur, vodka, orange juice and Sprite® soda. Ingredients:1 cl apfelkorn liqueur1 cl vodka2 cl orange juice2 cl Sprite® soda Method:Mix the […]
A tantalizing recipe for Applecake made with Licor 43® liqueur, apfelkorn liqueur and milk. Ingredients:2 cl Licor 43® liqueur2 cl apfelkorn liqueur2 cl milk Method:Shake well and use it as […]